Shau Kei Wan, literally “Colander Bay”, was located at the mouth of Lei Yue Mun. The name, stemmed from its bowl shape, appeared as early as the Wanli reign in the Ming Dynasty. It was a small shallow bay in the middle of a large firth spread with subtidal rocky reefs, where the eastern coast was called A Kung Ngam and the western coast Sai Wan Ho. As their names suggest, A Kung Ngam (“Ngam” means rock; “A Kung” refers to Tam Kung, a sea deity) was a rocky site, and the Hakka had long been quarrying granite there; Sai Wan Ho (lit. “West Bay River”) was named for the river that flowed from Mount Parker through today’s Tai On Street down into the sea. After the British takeover, Sai Wan Ho was renamed Aldrich Bay after Major Edward Aldrich.