Hung Gu
Hung Gu
A village woman who loves history
Distinctive pyramid-roof-style village houses
Distinctive pyramid-roof-style village houses
Nga Tsin Wai’s houses were classified as being mud, brick or stone dwellings. At the end of the main lane stood the village’s Tin Hau Temple-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2012)
Distinctive pyramid-roof-style village houses
Nga Tsin Wai’s houses were classified as being mud, brick or stone dwellings. At the end of the main lane stood the village’s Tin Hau Temple-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2012)
Nga Tsin Wai’s pyramids and cannons
Hung Gu was keen to learn of the history of the village. One night in the early post-war period when she was outside her home door with her young niece on her back, she noticed an iron bar resembling a chimney. She found it interesting and intended to tell his elder brother about it. But, the chimney-like object disappeared the next morning. It was not until later that she knew it was the cannon for fighting the pirates in the past. Hung Gu believed that the pyramidal roof of houses in Nga Tsin Wai was a concept imported from Egypt. She came to know about this one year at the Village Office from when the villagers told of the history of the village to the outsiders who came to visit the Jiao Festival – she was downstairs when the interview was underway.