Grandma Leung
Grandma Leung
A female worker married to a non-indigenous villager
The materials used for worship
The materials used for worship
Typical villagers’ sacrifices when worshipping Tin Hau-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2013)
The materials used for worship
Typical villagers’ sacrifices when worshipping Tin Hau-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2013)
Nga Tsin Wai women often formed clubs for worship
Whenever there were festivals or celebrations, Grandma Leung would hold an animal sacrifice to worship the Goddess of the SeTin Haua. Some villagers in Nga Tsin Wai organised clubs for worshiping this deity, killing pigs and encouraging their members to worship on Tin Hau’s Birthday. Grandma Leung also organised a club with more than 10 housewives as members. Among them were the mother and elder sisters of Ng Chi Wing. The club ordered roasted pigs and chickens from the store and distributed the meat to each member during the festival period. Families who had newborn babies would receive special eggs that had been dyed red in the store in advance.