Ng Pok Kong
Ng Pok Kong
29th generation villager looking for ancestral connection
Roast pig was served to those worshiping their ancestors at the ancestral hall
Roast pig was served to those worshiping their ancestors at the ancestral hall
On the ninth day of every ninth lunar month, the Ng Clan’s fourth branch descendants gathered at the Ng Clan Ancestral Hall to pay their respects to Ng Shing Tat Tso. This photo shows the ancestor worship in 2012-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2012)
Roast pig was served to those worshiping their ancestors at the ancestral hall
On the ninth day of every ninth lunar month, the Ng Clan’s fourth branch descendants gathered at the Ng Clan Ancestral Hall to pay their respects to Ng Shing Tat Tso. This photo shows the ancestor worship in 2012-Photo taken by HKMP Team (2012)
Women prepared offerings while men officiated the worship
Ng Pok Kong’s father seldom talked about clan affairs to his children, only occasionally casually mentioning it in passing to Ng Pok Kong. Back then, when the Ng clansmen paid respects to Ng Shing Tat Tso, the whole family returned to the ancestral hall for worship. When Ng Pok Kong was young, females were not allowed to enter the ancestral hall and had to watch the ceremony from the side while preparing various sacrificial offerings. Children entering into the ancestral hall were also scolded and chased away by the elders, but Ng Pok Kong still managed to sneak in and grab pieces of roasted pork for his mother! Ng Shing Tat Tso was divided into four branches with each branch taking turns to preside over the ceremony. The Ceremonial Master was responsible for buying the offerings and had some rewards. Until it came for the third branch of the Ng Tai Un Tso line to officiate, Ng Pok Kong had never seen his grandfather preside over a ceremony or his eldest uncle so actively involved in clan affairs. Mostly, it was Ng Pok Kong’s father who acted in such capacities if only in name as all the work was actually done by Ng Shui Chuen’s wife who prepared the pork, chicken and other offerings. Ng Pok Kong’s father did however lead the first incense offering during the official worship.