Guo Qiang Brothers
Guo Qiang Brothers
My communist father was brought up in Nga Tsin Wai
Wu Hua You in his youth
Wu Hua You in his youth
Wu Hua You as photographed in the late 1940s-Provided by Wu Guo Qiang and Wu Guo Jian
Wu Hua You in his youth
Wu Hua You as photographed in the late 1940s-Provided by Wu Guo Qiang and Wu Guo Jian
Wu Guo Qiang’s father returned to China in the early years to join the revolution
Wu Hua You was born in 1905 and had received 3 years of education. After quitting school, he had worked as a casual labourer. In 1922, he relayed his father as a sailor on the Empress of Russia owned by the Cheong Hing Shipping Co., Ltd. Other Nga Tsin Wai villagers who worked on the ship included Chan Kuen. In 1925, the Canton-Hong Kong strike took place when the ship was on its way from Vancouver to Hong Kong. To support the movement, his father and workmates disembarked at Kobe and staged a strike. His father was born to a poor family. As a radical young man under aware of the exploitation by the imperialists pressure, the nursed nationalistichis sentiment to the country sparked up. when When the Communist Party members in Kobe motivated him to return to Mainland China for a mission. H, he speedily wentreturned to Shanghai and was given the mission to receive the seamen who went on strike. Since then, he became a full-time revolutionist. In December 1925, he became a Communist Party member through under the referral of Chen Chun Lin. He organized a seamen’s club known as Yuxianleshe as cover-up when they actually carried out underground propaganda and organization organizing tasks