Art and Crafts of Bamboo Scaffolds

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Home >Art and Crafts of Bamboo Scaffolds

Art and Crafts of Bamboo Scaffolds

The ceiling maintenance project for Hong Kong Coliseum

A scaffolding built on open area

A scaffold retaining the harbour view

A double scaffold along a narrow lane

A scaffold at a bus stop

A combined scaffold to renovate the flyover

Multiple work platforms

A hanging scaffold for building a ventilation pipe

A hanging scaffold for replacing glass windows

A hanging scaffold with a zigzag shape

A hanging scaffold on the ceiling

A mini ceiling scaffold

A ceiling scaffold supported by a number of single scaffolds

A work platform covered by canvas

A ceiling scaffold on the top of a building

A protective scaffold for passers-by

A protective scaffold under a hanging work platform

A protective scaffold for the safety of the third person

Two inclined scaffolds

A bamboo pier for dragon boat athletes

A hemispheric scaffold at Hong Kong Space Museum

A scaffold on the highway road sign

A scaffold for the opening ceremony at a temple in Tai Po

A ceiling scaffold on the water proof rooftop

A temporary bridge made of bamboo

An “unprofessional” scaffold for a Chinese opera

A rain water scaffold

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