


新一代的潮,也由电台带动。多谢前卫主持人Aileen Woods和Uncle Ray的忘情推介,黄湛森和同辈的年青人,天天靠近电台,面向欧西,贴近流行,学懂将Frank Sinatra、Bing Crosby、Elvis Presley与Benny Goodman一起兼听,并且在摇头摆脑之间,确认欧西流行曲在创作、演奏、歌唱、录音,都不是香港或上海所能望其肩背。


Too Young (1951)

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Composer: Sidney Lippman
Lyricist: Sylvia Dee
Vocalist: Nat King Cole

They try to tell us we're too young
Too young to really be in love
They say that love's a word
A word we've only heard
But can't begin to know the meaning of

And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all

And yet we're not too young to know
This love will last though years may go
And then some day they may recall
We were not too young at all
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