Central Police Station

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About the Exhibition

Once ruled by the British, Hong Kong retains many architectural structures bearing colonial features. The largest among them, and that which also carries the highest historical value, is the building complex formed by the interconnecting Central Police Station, Former Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison. Together they are called the Central Police Station Compound.

The buildings in the Compound are mostly British style brick structures with pitched roofs covered by Chinese tiles. Some also carry western style chimneys in an amalgamation of Chinese and western features. The buildings of the compound sit at the heart of the business district of Central, witnessing the changes in the rule of law in the City of Victoria over the course of a century. Each brick, each stone is imbued with the history and story of the people of Hong Kong.

The police officers, fire-fighters, jailers (now correctional officers), judiciary officials, and immigration officers had worked in the compound, dedicating their efforts to Hong Kong in various ways. Spanning 3 centuries of service, the Central Police station has now fulfilled its historical mission and was closed in late 2005. It was handed over to the Government for redevelopment. Please visit the Central Police Station Revitalisation Project websitefor more information. 


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