Without Your Love (1937)

Without Your Love (1937)

Composers: Johnny Lange,
Fred Stryker
Lyricists: Johnny Lange,
Fred Stryker
Vocalist: Billie Holiday
Trumpeter: Buck Clayton
Performers: Billie Holiday
and Her Orchestra

Without your love
I'm like a song without words
Just like a nest without birds
Without your love
Fine sun above
Will never shine at my door
My life holds nothing in store
Without your love

I rode the crest of a wave
With you beside me
Now who's to guide me
Because I'm lost at sea
Without your love
I'm like a plane without wings
A violin with no strings
Without your love

I've rode the crest of a wave
With you beside me
Now who's to guide me
Because I'm lost at sea
Without your love
I'm like a plane without wings
A violin with no strings
Without your love

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